Friday, January 20, 2006

Truth about National Services in Malaysia.

Everybody heard of National Servive(NS) before. But the idea of NS is being so different to every single person. While a lot of ex-trainee wished that they will have another change to join NS with the same group of NS that they were once with, a lot people who never joined NS before were praising God that they never got selected to NS. It's kinda prejudice I would say for those who never know NS but judged NS on the bad side. Most of them would say it's a waste of time, slowing down one's study progress and bla bla bla. Isn't those who got JPA scholars and STPM students were also in the same intake as ex-ns trainee? NS in Malaysia are only 3 months, unlike those real time NS in Singapore, China, Taiwan, etc which lasted for 2 years. Why no one never judged this way: JPA students wasted 6 months waiting for the JPA's intake?

To tell the truth, I was excited when I knew I was selected to NS, but a lot of friends were pitying me back then. Even one of my close friends were laughing and making jokes out of it. I should be the one to pity them for being to prejudice.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Kit Kat

Best chocolate biscuit ever. By Nestle. Cointains wheat, milk and soy. Usually cost about RM0.45 per piece. Came in a pair (two pieces) or two pairs (four pieces). It can be found in Kiosk or 7-Eleven, but it costed RM0.05 more expensive per piece in those shops. How to eat it - just hold it with your left index finger on top and left thumb on the bottom, slightly push it out from the plastic wrapping using your right index finger. When the plastic wrapping is taken out, use your right thumb or index finger's fingernail tips to scracth along the middle of the aluminium wrapping. Break the kit kat into two pieces. Unwrap the aluminium wrapping. Break the pieces into half piece and put it in your mouth. Enjoy! Oh yeah, remember to throw the wrappings into the dustbin(best recycle bin). Keep our environment nice and clean. Have a break, have a Kit Kat!

Hope for Miracles

Ah...Hope for miracles, who doesn't? Everybody hopes for it, even for the slightest miracle. Students hope that they will obtain the good results even IF they never study. Teachers hope for their student to get good results even if they know the student never worked hard enough. Parents hope their children will be sucessful one day. People rarely lose hopes. Even if things doesn't seem right to them or the least what they'd expected, they are still hoping for things to change or wished if things had happened the other way round and that's when they're hoping for miracles. Even if one doesn't believe in miracles, he/she will still hope for it. Everybody hopes to have a happy life, happy family and good carrier. And often people will hope for more. But remember, if things doesn't seem right, do not give up hope easily, for God will always has a better plan for you ONLY IF you allowed God to be the 'director' of your life. Amen.